Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Adaptalux - Adaptable Mini Studio Lighting System

Posted By: Unknown - Tuesday, April 14, 2015


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Adaptalux is a mini studio lighting system for macro photographers and videographers.
It seems to be a pretty awesome system that is scalable and very effective.

If macro photography or videography is your thing, then you will be at least a little interested by the prospect of the Adaptalux system.
They have launched on Kickstarter and are looking to solve the issues that come with trying to light macro scenes.

It is a fairly small device that houses five ports with five LED lighting arms that can have different colour outputs and intensities. They are adjustable and flexible meaning that no matter the situation or object you should be able to nail that lighting.
You can mount it off-camera for more control or for a more portable system you can mount directly to the camera itself.

There are various accessories available such as light backdrops, color filters, diffusers and even a light stage. They look well made and you can tell a lot of effort has been put into the system.

The prices start at £100 and range up to £500, depending on the amount of accessories etc you would like to purchase.

Check out the video below to learn more about the device and accessories.

Go check out the Kickstarter and back it if you like the concept: CLICK HERE

Be sure to give them a cheeky follow on Twitter too: @Adaptalux

We will be getting our hands on a review unit in the near future and will bring you our thoughts on it, so keep your eyes peeled!

About Unknown



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